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The MPC Report
           MPC created Mtech wheels in response to the needs of inline skate manufacturers. The US-patented, multi-layered wheel has a hard urethane surface and a remarkably resilient inner cushioning material for damping vibration and shock.
         Mtech wheels are created by a two or three-step casting process, depending on the number of material layers required for the specific application. Rubber-based wheels reduce shocks, but they are subject to wear. Urethane and other hard plastic wheels are durable, but they do not produce smooth, shock-free motion. Dual-material Mtech wheels combine durability and cushioned movement.
         MPC's patented Mtech (multi-layer technology) wheels use a soft (super ball like) highly resilient inner layer that acts as a pneumatic tire. Mtech provides the largest footprint (ultimate grip), highest rebound (fastest) and firmest outer tread (best wear) available

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